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10 months ago
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<title>Jan, Jan, Jan</title>
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<h1>Jan, Jan, Jan</h1>
<div id="inside">
<p id="instruction">Select your ammo:</p>
<div class="choice">
<div class="select-choice" id="rock">
<img class="img-weapon" src="rock1.png" alt="rock">
<div class="select-choice" id="paper">
<img class="img-weapon" src="paper1.png" alt="paper">
<div class="select-choice" id="scissors">
<img class="img-weapon" src="scissor1.png" alt="scissors">
<div class="result">
<p id="message">Who will win the first game?</p>
<div class="scores">
<p class="total-score">Your score: <span id="user-score">0</span></p>
<p class="total-score">Computer's score: <span id="computer-score">0</span></p>
<p class="total-score">Draws: <span id="draws">0</span></p>
<button id="reset-button">Reset</button>
<p>By Atharva Kulkarni</p>
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