You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
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11 months ago
# APPROACH: All keyboard keys can be interpreted as an ASCII-Code.
# => Shift them on the ascii table, with the factor of shift
# COMMENT: Admittedly, this cipher everything else then secure, but it serves its purpose.
# => This implementation can create 256 different encryption mappings
import time
def shift_cipher(shift):
codes = {}
for char_code in range(0, 255): # all ASCII-letters
char = chr((char_code + shift) % 255)
codes[chr(char_code)] = char
return codes
# OBSERVATION: If the encryption map is known, anyone can decode the text.
# => Security of this procedure depends on how many combinations the cipher algorithm creates.
# COMMENT: Thanks to the weak cipher, a brute force attack cracks the encryption after a maximum of 256 attempts.
def caesar(text, cipher, mode):
mode = mode.upper()
if mode not in ["ENCODE", "DECODE"]: # Use 'in' to check for multiple conditions
return text
tokens = list(text)
if mode == "DECODE":
cipher = {value: key for key, value in cipher.items()}
for i in range(len(tokens)):
if tokens[i] in cipher: # Check if the character exists in the cipher before replacing
tokens[i] = cipher[tokens[i]]
return "".join(tokens)
# COMMENT: Ciphers are binary bijective mappings over an alphabet A, of which |A|! exist (for ours 256!).
# In practice, security should be strengthened through better cipher algorithms.
# Because our cipher works so poorly, here is an optimized variant of the caesar process.
# APPROACH: Set a starting position for the encryption and then encrypt recursively to the right and left.
# => An Encryption can only be successful, if the starting point is known.
# => An brute force attack cracks the encryption after a maximum of 256*len(text) attempts.
def caesar_amplified(text, pos, cipher, mode):
mode = mode.upper()
if mode not in ["ENCODE", "DECODE"]: # Use 'in' to check for multiple conditions
return text
tokens = list(text)
if mode == "DECODE":
cipher = {value: key for key, value in cipher.items()}
tokens[pos] = cipher[tokens[pos]]
tokens = caesar_recursive(tokens, pos - 1, cipher, "l") # start left recursion
tokens = caesar_recursive(tokens, pos + 1, cipher, "r") # start right recursion
return "".join(tokens)
def caesar_recursive(tokens, pos, cipher, mode):
if pos == -1 or pos == len(tokens):
return tokens
cipher = update_cipher(cipher)
tokens[pos] = cipher[tokens[pos]]
if mode == "l":
return caesar_recursive(tokens, pos - 1, cipher, "l")
return caesar_recursive(tokens, pos + 1, cipher, "r")
def update_cipher(codes_old):
codes_new = {}
for key, value in codes_old.items():
codes_new[key] = codes_old[codes_old[key]]
return codes_new
# Write message into these lines:
string = '''
Liebe/r Empfänger,
Herzliche Grüße aus dem hohen Norden! Ich hoffe, diese Nachricht erreicht dich in guter Verfassung und fügt einen Hauch
von festlicher Stimmung zu deinem Tag hinzu.
Santa und seine Wichtel arbeiten fleißig daran, diese Jahreszeit für alle magisch zu gestalten. Die Werkstatt ist voller
Aktivität, während Spielzeuge mit Sorgfalt hergestellt werden.
Ich wünsche dir Freude, Gelächter und einen festlichen Geist, der dein Herz erwärmt. Genieße die Magie der Feiertage!
Herzliche Grüße,
enc_time = time.time()
encoded = caesar(string, shift_cipher(2), "ENCODE")
enc_time = (time.time() - enc_time) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
dec_time = time.time()
decoded = caesar(encoded, shift_cipher(2), "DECODE")
dec_time = (time.time() - dec_time) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
print("Encoded Caesar-Encryption: (calculated in " + str(enc_time) + "ms)")
print(encoded + "\n")
print("Decoded Caesar-Encryption: (calculated in " + str(dec_time) + "ms)")
enc_rec_time = time.time()
encoded_rec = caesar_amplified(string, 5, shift_cipher(2), "ENCODE")
enc_rec_time = (time.time() - enc_rec_time) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
dec_rec_time = time.time()
decoded_rec = caesar_amplified(encoded_rec, 5, shift_cipher(2), "DECODE")
dec_rec_time = (time.time() - dec_rec_time) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
print("Encoded Caesar-Encryption amplified: (calculated in " + str(enc_rec_time) + "ms)")
print(encoded_rec + "\n")
print("Decoded Caesar-Encryption amplified: (calculated in " + str(dec_rec_time) + "ms)")