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9 months ago
import random
9 months ago
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
9 months ago
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import requests
from mpi4py import MPI
from PIL import Image
def count_randomized_hits(iterations):
counter = 0
for i in range(iterations):
x = random.uniform(0, 1)
y = random.uniform(0, 1)
if ((x ** 2) + (y ** 2)) ** (1 / 2) <= 1:
counter += 1
return counter
def monte_carlo_methode(n, mode=0):
9 months ago
func_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
func_rank = func_comm.Get_rank()
func_size = func_comm.Get_size()
9 months ago
if mode == 1: # Multithreading mode
9 months ago
if func_rank == 0:
num_threads = 16
iterations_per_thread = n // num_threads
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
hits = list(, [iterations_per_thread] * num_threads))
9 months ago
hit = sum(hits)
elif mode == 2: # MPI parallel mode
9 months ago
func_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
func_rank = func_comm.Get_rank()
func_size = func_comm.Get_size()
n = func_comm.bcast(n, root=0)
local_hit = count_randomized_hits(n // func_size)
hit = func_comm.reduce(local_hit, op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
hit = int(func_comm.bcast(hit, root=0))
9 months ago
else: # Default mode
9 months ago
if func_rank == 0:
hit = count_randomized_hits(n)
9 months ago
9 months ago
if func_rank == 0:
pi_approx = (hit / n) * 4
pi_diff = abs(np.pi - pi_approx)
return pi_approx, pi_diff
9 months ago
def uniform_kernel(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
print("Size needs to be odd")
K = 1 / n / n * np.ones([n, n])
return K
def gauss_kernel(s):
n = 3 * s
pos = np.arange(-n, n + 1)
x = np.meshgrid(pos, pos)
K = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * s * s) * np.exp(-(x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2) / (2.0 * s * s))
K = K / sum(sum(K))
return K
9 months ago
def process_image_part(data_part, kernel, padding):
9 months ago
y_part_size, x_part_size, _ = data_part.shape
9 months ago
pad_y, pad_x = padding
9 months ago
data_part_new = np.zeros((y_part_size - 2 * pad_y, x_part_size - 2 * pad_x, 3))
9 months ago
for i in range(pad_y, y_part_size - pad_y):
for j in range(pad_x, x_part_size - pad_x):
9 months ago
for k in range(3):
new_value = 0.0
9 months ago
for ii in range(kernel.shape[1]):
for jj in range(kernel.shape[0]):
iii = ii - (kernel.shape[1] - 1) // 2
jjj = jj - (kernel.shape[0] - 1) // 2
9 months ago
new_value += kernel[ii, jj] * data_part[i + iii, j + jjj, k]
9 months ago
data_part_new[i - pad_y, j - pad_x, k] = new_value
9 months ago
return data_part_new
9 months ago
def overlapping_submatrices(arr, n, overlap):
sub_array_length = len(arr) // n
# Zugegeben, den Loop hab ich auch nur durch ChatGPT hinbekommen :O
sub_arrays = [
arr[i * sub_array_length - min(i * overlap, overlap): (i + 1) * sub_array_length + min((n - i - 1) * overlap,
for i in range(n)
return np.array(sub_arrays, dtype=object)
9 months ago
9 months ago
def process_image(img, func=0, mode=0):
if isinstance(img, str):
img =
if img.mode == "P":
img = img.convert(mode="RGB")
data = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float64) / 255.0
9 months ago
padding = 9
print(f"Before: {data.shape}")
9 months ago
if func == 1:
9 months ago
kernel = uniform_kernel(padding)
9 months ago
9 months ago
kernel = gauss_kernel(padding)
9 months ago
9 months ago
padding = (padding // 2, padding // 2)
9 months ago
9 months ago
if mode == 1: # Multithreading mode
9 months ago
num_threads = 5
data_parts = overlapping_submatrices(data, num_threads, padding[0])
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
data_new_parts = list(, data_parts, [kernel] * num_threads, [padding] * num_threads))
9 months ago
data_new = np.concatenate(data_new_parts, axis=0)
elif mode == 2: # MPI parallel mode
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
9 months ago
9 months ago
if rank == 0:
9 months ago
data_parts = overlapping_submatrices(data, size, padding[0])
data_parts = None
data_part = comm.scatter(data_parts, root=0)
data_part_new = process_image_part(data_part, kernel, padding)
if rank == 0:
data_new_parts = comm.gather(data_part_new, root=0)
9 months ago
data_new = np.concatenate(data_new_parts, axis=0)
data_new = None
9 months ago
9 months ago
data_new = comm.bcast(data_new, root=0)
else: # Default mode
9 months ago
data_new = process_image_part(data, kernel, padding)
9 months ago
data_new = data_new * 255.0
data_new = np.uint8(data_new)
9 months ago
print(f"After: {data_new.shape}")
9 months ago
return Image.fromarray(data_new, mode="RGB")
if __name__ == '__main__':
9 months ago
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
FLAG_gauss = 0
FLAG_uniform = 1
FLAG_default = 0
FLAG_threaded = 1
FLAG_network = 2
if rank == 0:
print(monte_carlo_methode(1000, mode=FLAG_default))
print(monte_carlo_methode(1000, mode=FLAG_threaded))
print(monte_carlo_methode(1000, mode=FLAG_network))
9 months ago
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
image =
9 months ago
image = process_image(image, FLAG_uniform, FLAG_network)
9 months ago